Questions to Ask Your Doctor When Getting Tested For STDs

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STD Testing is mandatory in the United States today. If you are sexually active or have partners who are sexually active, you need to get tested. Unfortunately, because of privacy concerns, many people don't get tested or are diagnosed for STDs until they are well into their 30s or beyond. When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, being tested and diagnosed early can save you a lot of pain later on in life. Here are several ways that you can bring up the STD testing at your doctor's office or at the health care provider that you see when you go in for routine checkups:

Has anyone ever checked you for genital warts during a physical? - Most doctors do not automatically screen for STDs when you go in for a physical, even if you are asking about cancer. Usually there needs to be another procedure done first to find out if you have cancer or not. However, this is not always the case. Make sure you get STD testing done regularly, even if you aren't showing symptoms.

Have you had a regular STD screening? - Most health professionals recommend that every sexually active person get annual STD screening. These screens can be done at home, at your child's school, or through a private medical professional. However, not all health professionals offer STD testing at their clinics. Make sure you find out what your options are when it comes to STD testing.

Have you had a regular annual exam since childhood? - Most health professionals recommend that people be tested annually, but if you have had a history of STD in the family, you should also have a regular exam to check for abnormalities. A common reason why people skip out on regular STD testing is because they assume that they will not have any problems with STDs. However, most cases of STD are preventable, and it only takes one potential case of an STD to trigger the need for annual STD testing.

Do you feel comfortable having your private parts examined by a complete stranger? - Chances are that you have been intimate with multiple partners and are now feeling uneasy about allowing a complete stranger to look inside of you. Some STDs can only be diagnosed through examining the private parts. Make sure you choose a healthcare professional who is not only reliable, but has a good reputation for offering STD tests. Once you are tested, you should immediately report any new sores or symptoms to your doctor.

These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself if you are having any signs of STDs, either new or old. If you are like the vast majority of the population, you probably have never had any signs of STDs, or if you do, you did not get tested. It is vital that anyone who has had sex with multiple partners get tested periodically. By asking yourself these questions, you will greatly reduce the chances of catching an STD once you have been exposed to the disease.

Get tested today! 


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